Showing posts with label crochet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crochet. Show all posts

Sunday, July 20, 2014

DIY Crochet Headguard


I crocheted this for my poor baby's forehead. She was five months back then. At this age, they bump their heads a lot of times. I know it's part of the learning process but I can't help but worry about her. Searched about Baby Helmets but they cost around Php 3k+ so I though why not make one.

How to do it:

1. Get the thickest yarn and biggest crochet hook that you have.

2. Measure around baby's head and create a base chain of that length.

3. You can use a Double Crochet or a Treble Crochet, whichever you want. I'm kinda impatient so I use the treble because it makes bigger stitches.

4. Crochet althroughout your base chain and double the width of the forehead.

5. Fold it in half horizontally and slip stitch or single crochet them together. You can make it thicker by doing triple the with and folding it three times.

6. Measure from one temporal area to another and create a base chain. Repeat the same procesa but only do 4 rows.

7. Slip stitch the guard part to the back part (other piece you just crocheted) and do the same on the other side.

Voila! Very inexpensive way to prevent bumpies on little baby's head or forehead at least.

***I own the rights to this pattern. You are free to sell whatever product you make out of it but don't sell the pattern as yours. Instead, link my blog as source if ever you're gonna use it as reference. Thanks.***